Kid Wins School Science Fair Proving Tom Brady is a Cheater!

A 4th Grader in Kentucky won his school's science fair with a unique project...certainly not your typical erupting volcano...he proved New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is a cheater! 

Remember Deflate-Gate where Brady was accused of having game footballs deflated to make them easier to grab and throw?

The student tested three different footballs in four categories: throwing, catching, accuracy and distance. He tested a five-pound ball, a seven-pound ball and a nine-pound ball in each category. 

During his experiments, he found that it was easier to catch and throw the football that weighed five pounds compared to the seven pound and nine pound footballs!

Check out the full story Here

The Big Game is Sunday, February 3rd between New England and Los Angeles. Eyes are on YOU, Tom Brady! Go Rams!

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