Scott Tom's Wife Adele, Mrs. Christmas, Video Tour Their 21 Christmas Trees

Scott Tom's wife Adele has Christmas fever every year. Video tour of their normal size home with 21 decorated Christmas trees. Outside lights tomorrow!

Photo: Scott Tom

Hello friends,

My wife Adele Mrs. Christmas Tom catches the Christmas fever every year. Although we live in a modest 3 bedroom, two bath house, she always finds room for many Christmas trees. This year the official count is 21. Sure, there are small tabe top trees, some larger 3 and 4 footers and a few 6' + trees. They are all hand decorated by Adele. One ornament at a time. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of ornaments. I don't know how she does it, but the Christmas spirit will do that to a person. Enjoy this video tour through our modest home of most of our Christmas trees. Thank you for watching and Merry Christmas. (A video of our outside lights will be up soon.)

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