It's Rose Festival Fleet Week-Here Is What We Know So Far-

The Rose Festival fleet will begin arriving Wednesday which ironically is the day the Rose Festival website says they'll announce participating ships, hmmmm???

Photo: Rose Fetsival

Roe Festival Fleet Week returns and so does the Navy, Coast Guard and Canadian Naval vessels, we hope. The Rose Festival said it would announce participating ships on Wednesday June 8th which ironically is the day the fleet begins to arrive. Regardless of what ships participate, any visiting ships from anywhere will be a welcome sight to most Portlanders. Another sign, things may be getting back to normal. It will be a joy (in my opinion) to see military men and women enjoying our beautiful city regardless of some of the dark spaces that grace many of our streets, parks, off ramps, underpasses of our fair city. It is Rose Festival time, its back and let's hope we can all enjoy it with peace and respect for one another. Here is the link to the Rose Festival Fleet Week page that will be updated when the fleet participants are announced. Thanks and enjoy the Rose Festival Rose City reunion!

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