Time includes the city of Portland on its list of 50 Greatest Places In The World for 2022! Seriously, no joke!
I was actually impressed with their reasoning. Really a focus on the "positive" in Portland. When you read the story here, it may become a little clearer as to why it made the list. But a lot of people still can't believe it's not a joke. It discusses Portland's commitment to planet earth. The new Earl Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge. The new Tilikum Crossing carries trains, buses, streetcars, cyclists, and pedestrians over the Willamette River. Matt Groening creator of the "Simpsons" gets a mention. New hotels, Portland's great International Airport and more. When you view it through that lens, Portland does look like a pretty great place. One of the 50 greatest in the world? Not hardly, sorry, just my opinion! This link is the Time website containing the complete list of 50 places. This link is KGW TV's "The Story" piece done. What's YOUR opinion?
Courtesy Time and KGW TV.