2018's Most Overused Office Jargon...It is what it is!

FitSmallBusiness has come out with their list of the most overused workplace expressions of 2018, and their meanings, in the hopes it will get some people to realize they sound ridiculous. I've heard some of these, but not all, and I didn't know there were "hidden" meanings behind them.

Most Overused office expression of 2018 include:

  • Let's Circle Back – What it really means: "I don't have an answer for you, leave me alone now."
  • Shift The Paradigm – "You need to change the way you think."
  • Ping, Me, Or I'll Ping You – "I don't care. Just send me a message."
  • Marinate On That - "We're not sure what's going on, so let's think about it longer."
  • Not My Domain – "Not my problem."
  • Let's Create Synergy - "You better work together."
  • It's In The Pipeline – "It's not ready yet."
  • It Is What It Is - "I don't know how else to put this, and I don't care, end of story."
  • You Need To Own It – "You need to take responsibility – but not the credit."
  • You Need to Make Headway – "Make yourself productive already."
  • At The End Of The Day… - "Thanks for your point, but mine is the only one that matters."
  • Steer The Ship – "The bosses don't want to do their jobs so it's your job now."
  • Moving Forward – "Don't ever do whatever you did that way again."
  • Let's Pivot - "That didn't work, so we're going in a new direction now.

Source: FitSmallBusiness

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