in #CASE you missed it... Parents Are Hopeless With Their Kids’ Homework

in #CASE you missed it... Parents Are Hopeless With Their Kids’ Homework

Even before kids were home doing remote schooling, parents were often tasked with helping their kids with their homework, and according to a new survey, not many are all that helpful. 

According to the poll:

  • 56% of parents say consider themselves hopeless when it comes to helping with homework.
  • Two-thirds actually rely on Google to help them help their kids’ schoolwork.
  • And parents are asked to step up and help a lot.
  • In fact, the average kid asks their parents for help five times a week.
  • 63% of parents will then try to negotiate which one of them is going to do the helping.
  • 85% say that will eventually turn into an argument. 
  • Things are so bad that 54% say they have come up with excuses to get out of helping their kids.
  • Among the top excuses:
    • Asking their partner to help them instead
    • By coming home late
    • Doing laundry and cleaning up
    • Claiming to be too tired
    • Emergency grocery shopping
    • Employing a tutor
    • Faking a business phone call
    • Faking being sick or feeling ill
    • Telling their kid that they have so many work things to do on their laptop 
Woman watching her daughter do homework

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