Flying Car Is A Reality-Preparing For A Flight From London To Paris- Video!

This flying car prototype is on it's way to reality with a flight scheduled from London to Paris. Watch this video.Photo: KleinVision

I can't wait for the day we can all afford flying cars. The safe, easy to fly ones. The Air Car is the sign of the future. The AirCar is an air-to-road vehicle that runs on a single propeller BMW engine, and is capable of reaching speeds of up to 100mph, with a maximum range of 1,200 miles. KleinVision, its creator has touted the AirCar's potential for being used either as a private leisure vehicle or an air taxi service, similarly to proposals made by larger companies like Uber and Alphabet, who are also working on their own flying vehicle projects. Check out the full article here and watch the cool video of it's flight!

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