Scott Tom

Scott Tom

I have been a Portland boy my whole life! My wife Adele and daughter Veronica and I live in Portland with our dog Thunder and cats Shadow and...Full Bio


Arizona Trucker Spots Suspected Ghost Along A Dark Highway-You Be The Judge

Scary ghost on dark background

An Arizona long haul trucker was cruising down a long dark highway when he passed what he said was a ghost. You decide.Photo: Getty Images

William Church said he was driving on SR 87 around 2:30 a.m. on March 11 when he passed by a transparent figure standing on the side of the road. Church says he was between Phoenix and Payson with no cars in sight. He described the figure as "just standing in the roadway as I passed by looks like you can see the lines through the legs making the figure." SR 87 has seen its fair share of deadly car crashes as it's one of the state's main highways to get to and from mountain communities. What do you think?

(Courtesy Fox 10- Phoenix)

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