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> May 2017
This is why I love America's Got Talent!
Scott Pelley is OUT at CBS Evening News!
Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili to separate, or will they?
Website tells you if you'll lose your job to robots
Free bed time stories for grown ups! Sunday worst for sleep
Today is "Vanport Remembrance Day"
Copy Cats: Literally watch this!
Remember: Traffic could be worse! L.A.
This 1 minute video says it all about Memorial Day!
Woman jumps on car to prevent car-jacking!
Researcher Says He’s Found Molecule To Fight Aging
Hilarious "Welcome Home" signs from the airport
I am an IDIOT!!! Don't be fooled like I was!
Undercover cops in action
A drone that can catch balls-REALLY!
7 year old with Downs captures Guardian Angel in picture
Scientist say "Smell" "Deep Voice" key to sexual attraction
Dramatic survivor video; Mt. St. Helen's eruption
This steamy commercial, I'm gonna buy the product!
Mt. St. Helen's Eruption-Remembering
Don Henley announces Glenn Frey's replacement
My Nephew, My Hero, would have been 34 today, His Story
The Final Rose has wilted! Bachelor stars call it QUITS!
Guess what movie just got Pirated? Pirate's of the Caribbean
Will and Grace fans: Official Return Trailer "This Fall"
Family kicked off plane over a birthday cake! Really?
2017 Update: Remember this chain smoking 2 year old
What the HELL is this creature? Nobody knows!
Teaching women to Pee standing up? Austrians on to something!
Steve Harvey's HARSH memo
TV shows your favorite one of them?
Song Scramble Tue May 9, 2017
Would you pay $1400 for these? New trend, shred look
KFC Romance Novel:Wings of Desire! Really!!!!
Firework Oreos-explodes in your mouth
Scott Tom's Song Scramble Clue Tue May 8, 2017
42 seconds on the most beautiful time lapse footage
Song Scramble is Facebook today May 5, 2017
Is that a Kangaroo in a horse race? Yep!
Porn Star shooting video gets bitten by a shark
What Elvis would look like today!
Airlines are out of control
Amazing Bear Bucket Rescue
Pickle Juice Soda really exists!
#1 Bedroom Design Disaster ruining your sleep
Star Wars fans will LOVE this Princess Leia-Beatles Mash up
13 things you need to throw out now! especially your loofah!
My favorite co-workers Aunt just won a Million $$$
Barber taking too long, mom pulls a gun!!!!